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Our policy for children’s school uniform is based on the belief that a school uniform promotes a sense of pride in the school, engenders a feeling of community and belonging, is practical and smart, identifies the children within the school, is not distracting in class (as fashion clothes might be), makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance, is regarded as suitable and good value for money by most parents and has been designed with health and safety in mind.

Our colour is red and is based on the colour favoured by the Ramsden Family and is therefore in-keeping with the traditional values of the school.  All items of red uniform need to be purchased from our uniform supplier to ensure the same shade of red.


The uniform is as follows:


  • Ramsden V-neck logo jumper/cardigan

  • White formal shirt that buttons up to the neck without frills (no Velcro fastenings)

  • Ramsden striped tie

  • Grey tailored trousers or knee length skirt (not black)

  • Traditional red gingham dress (not gingham shorts) can be worn between Easter and October half-term as a Summer alternative and therefore should be worn with white ankle socks (tights should not be worn underneath dresses)

  • Grey shorts can be worn between Easter and October half-term as a Summer alternative and therefore should be worn with grey or white non-branded socks (sports socks should not be worn with shorts)

  • Tights and socks must be either red, white or grey, socks must not be trainer socks or footlets.  Socks that are worn with skirts or shorts need to be  below the knee, ankle socks with small bows are acceptable, bows or other decorations on any other length of sock are not acceptable

  • Smart, sensible, flat black shoes (not trainers or ballet shoes). There are an increasing amount of shoes that look very much like trainers; these are acceptable if they are made from a leather-type material, but not from fabric material – i.e. they can be polished.

  • Smart black flat boots may be worn after October half term until the Easter holiday. These must not be Doc Martins, Ugg boots or anything with a steampunk or goth nature or with a thick heavy tread.

  • Black boots may be worn at other times of the year to come to school in bad weather, but children must have their shoes in school to change into i.e. boots are not to worn in school between Easter and October Half-Term.

  • Whilst jumpers may be removed in warm weather, children must always have all items of their uniform with them in school. This includes jumpers or cardigans. 


PE Kit


  • Red shadow stripe shorts (indoor kit)

  • Plain white crew neck (round neck) T-shirt

  • Red logo sweat top (outdoor kit)

  • Red jogging bottoms (outdoor kit)

  • Black plimsolls (indoor)

  • Trainers (outdoor)


If children forget their kit, an alternative will be given from school. If children are not doing PE due to a medical reason, they will not be able to play out at lunch times and dinner times.




  • Children should have a sensible haircut with nothing shorter than a number 2. No shaved patterns, tramlines, hair dye or perms.  If a child’s hair is too long and is distracting them from working they will be asked to pin or tie it back. If a child’s hair is too long and is distracting them from working they will be asked to pin or tie it back.  We would also like to inform parents that the style of having very short hair at the sides and back whilst having it long on top will not be regarded as a smart and sensible haircut.   This includes Jack Grealish style undercuts.

  • Low pony tails are acceptable at the back of the head, but high 'Kalvin Phillips' style top knots are not allowed.

  • Hair braids are not permitted unless there are specific cultural exceptions.

  • Large bows or any other large or elaborate hair accessories are not to be worn nor are any hair fastening that contain sharp or claw-like features.

  • Any small hair accessories such as Alice bands, ribbons, must reflect the school colours.


  • Small stud earrings may be worn but must be removed for PE/swimming. These must also be removed by either the child or parent.

  • New medical rules state that studs are no longer allowed to be simply covered over as this has proved to be no protection.


Please note that P.E. is a legally required subject and children cannot be excused from P.E. for ear piercing. Therefore, if you are going to have your child’s ears pierced, please leave sufficient time for them to heal. If your child cannot do PE due to an ear piercing, they will not be able to play out at lunch and dinner times until such a time as they can be removed.


  • Watches may be worn as long as they are not too large and are a sensible fit. However, I Watches, Fitbits or other such ‘smart watches’ are not to be worn.  Make-up or other forms of jewellery are not to be worn.


Non-uniform Days


Sensible clothing must still be worn on non-uniform days.

  • Tops and trousers must overlap, i.e. no crop tops or any other midriff-bearing tee shirts are to be worn.

  • High heels, Crocs, backless shoes or ballet pumps are not to be worn as these pose a risk when children are playing.

  • Make-up is not allowed on non-uniform days.




Parents must understand that we have to enforce this policy rigorously. It is not possible to accede to one parent’s request without opening ourselves up to scrutiny from others. However, we do accept that there are different levels of breaches of policy.

  • Parents of children who, on a number of occasions, breach the uniform policy will be asked to take their children home on a morning and return them to school with the correct uniform.

  • Parents of children who rarely breach the school uniform will be sent a text or letter to remind them of the uniform policy and will be expected to come to school the next day in the correct school uniform. Children will be given items from our ‘spares’ for that particular day.

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