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School Dinners

School dinners are currently priced at £2.55 per day, £12.75 for a full 5 day week for children from Year 3 upwards.  This is due to increase to £2.95 per day, £14.75 a week from December 4th. 

All dinner money must now be paid for on line via

Choice Menus 2023-24

Winter choice menu is set for September through to April.

New Summer choice menu begins after Easter break - week commencing April 15th - through to October 2024.

Children can choose daily between having a school dinner or bringing a packed lunch however school meals must be paid for in advance, at the latest the day before.  Currently, KS1 children are all entitled to universal free school meals.  These still need to be ordered in advance.​

Please note: 

All dinner money must now be paid for on line via  A reminder text has been sent detailing your password.  Your child will not be able to have a school lunch unless the lunch is paid for in advance.  Apologies for any inconvenience this might cause.

School Milk

If you want your child to have milk at school, you need to register on the Cool Milk website here:


Children under 5 in Nursery and Reception get their milk for free but you do still need to register.  Once they turn 5, their registration runs out and you need to login again to pay if you still want them to have it.  CoolMilk send us updated lists every Friday for the following week.

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