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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Grant Information 2024-25 - Academic Year Funding


Total Number of Pupils F2 - Yr6 on Roll – as per October 2023 census: 209

Total Number of Pupils Eligible for PPG - F2 - Y6:               25

Amount of PPG received per pupil F2 - Y6:                          £1,480

Total Amount of PPG anticipated to be received:               £37,000

Total Amount of PPG received to date (7/12)                      £21,583

Percentage of Pupils eligible for PPG:                                  11.96%

Recovery Premium Due                                                          £979

Pupil Premium Grant Information 2023-24


Total Number of Pupils F2 - Yr6 on Roll – as per October 2022 census: 206

Total Number of Pupils Eligible for PPG - F2 - Y6:               19

Amount of PPG received per pupil F2 - Y6:                          £1,455

Total Amount of PPG anticipated to be received:               £27,645

Total Amount of PPG actually received                                £31,542

Percentage of Pupils eligible for PPG:                                   9.22%

Recovery Premium Received                                                 £3,698

Does YOUR CHILD qualify?

To support ‘Disadvantaged’ Children and families, Ramsden Primary School provides that support in the following ways...


Form of Support:


  • An additional teacher in each KS2 unit (Y5/6 and Y3/4) has been hired in order to reduce class sizes for English and Maths reflecting studies that show that groups of 17 or less progress more. This teacher is then also available to teach 1:1 or 1:2 small group work across KS2 during the afternoons.

  • Additional support from teaching assistants (TAs) in the KS1/EYFS classrooms, small group work and/or intervention programmes (small groups or 1:1).

  • Raising pupil self-esteem has a positive impact on pupil progress and attainment. This is achieved through providing enrichment activities for pupils receiving PPG e.g. music lessons, language tuition and extra-curricular sessions.

  • The PPG allows children with emotional issues a chance to address some of these issues through bought in Play Therapy Sessions

  • The PPG ensures all children participate in school visits and residential trips.

  • Children in receipt of pupil premium are supported in purchasing school uniform. This ensures children are dressed appropriately for school and the weather.

  • Breakfast club – children are invited to attend breakfast club to ensure they get a good start to the day including something to eat and drink.


Curriculum focus of PPG spending:


  • In-class support with English and Maths skills.

  • Additional booster sessions, reading, writing and maths tuition both 1:1 and in small groups.

  • Additional literacy support to promote a love of reading and dedicated regular reading support for the children that need it most.

  • Homework clubs allow children who may not have a quiet place to do their homework an opportunity to develop their English and maths skills


How we measure the impact of the PPG spending:


  • The class teacher and senior leadership team (SLT) monitor and analyse the progress of pupils receiving the PPG using our electronic data tracking system. A pupil progress meeting takes place termly with the Head Teacher. The Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) conducts further pupil progress meetings for SEN pupils and pupils receiving an intervention. The progress of these pupils is reported to Governors termly.

  • Pupils participating in an intervention or additional sessions always have assessments at the beginning and end of targeted intervention so that any improvements in attainment can be measured.



  • All children are able to wear school uniform and be dressed appropriately for the weather.

  • Pupil premium children are able to enhance their education by participating in extra-curricular clubs and music tuition.

  • By the end of Key Stage Two pupils eligible for PPG progres at least as well as their peers.

  • At the end of Key Stage 2 pupil premium children achieve at least in line with non-pupil premium children and in some cases pupil premium children outperform their peers

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