British Values

Our school council are voted for by their peers
We encourage volunteerism in school such as Eco Warriors, lunch time helpers and raising money for local and national charities.
We look at the beginning of democracy through the study of Ancient Greece
Democracy is promoted through PSHE lessons and assemblies
Our Year 5/6 topic of London allows for the study of Parliament and we work closely with our local MPs during this topic.
We allow all the children to put forward their views about school and act on them.
In KS1, the children vote for the story they would like to hear at the end of the day
Rule of Law
We have high expectations for our pupils behaviour and this is reflected in our Behaviour Policy.
There are rewards for exhibiting good behaviour such as the Star Book, Team Points and Reading Rewards.
Our consistent demonstration of the school values are recognised through our Achievement Assembly.
Through our assemblies, circle time and PSHE children are taught how to earn trust and respect and are supported to develop a strong sense of morality.
We regularly talk about what’s right and wrong and about doing the right thing even when it is difficult. This is often discussed in RE lessons using stories with strong sense of morals.
The local police officer/PSO visit the school and explain about their role in society.
As our children start in Foundation Stage, they are taught to follow the rules and boundaries of the classroom and school.
We teach the children about SMART rules for online safety and etiquette for commenting when blogging, to promote co-operation and encouragement.
Individual Liberty
Through our school values and SEAL, children are taught about personal responsibility, choices, ambition and aspiration.
Children are encouraged to follow their interests particularly with regards to after school clubs.
Our SEAL programme of work has a whole unit relating to Individual liberty which is ‘Good to be me’.
Children are taught how to keep themselves safe, including on-line. This is done through computing lessons, assemblies and outdoor organisations such as the NSPCC and through PSHE lessons.
We use achievement assembly to share the children’s out of school achievements and the use of Show and Tell in the younger classes
Mutual Respect
We have high expectations about pupil conduct and this is reflected in the Behaviour Policy and Equality Policy.
Through our school’s values and PSHE lessons, children are taught to respect each other, to be cooperative and collaborative, be supportive and to look for similarities while being understanding of differences.
Classes have boards that promote each person as an individual or celebrate their individual success.
Tolerance and understanding of different faiths and beliefs is promoted through the Nott’s Syllabus for Religious Education. Children learn about different religions, different beliefs, places of worship and festivals.
This is supplemented by assemblies which mark and celebrate significant religious festivals such as Diwali.
Children within our school with different faiths are encouraged to share their practices and special celebrations.